From boy to "gimp" to full pain gimpslave! 1st Visit: July, 2018
This boy contacted me in July after asking around a bit, and he requested 2 weeks non-stop training to begin his journey to becoming a gimpslave. I was happy to oblige, but along the way I discovered he was capable of a lot more than he first realized. He loved and learned full service and verbal protocol, and was just as happy actively serving as he was in heavy restrictive bondage. He was so happy with the result and his inner feelings, he's already asked to come back and spend his entire Winter Break with us, and we, of course agreed.
Below is his journey from learning his place in my world to taking ever harder use, punishment, and storage.
From boy to "gimp" to full pain gimpslave! 2nd visit Visit: Dec, 2018 to Jan., 2019
This boy did so well in his first 2 week non-stop training period we allowed him to return in December of 2018 for 3 weeks of further training as a gimp-slave and omega slave-object. Below are the first sets of photos with more on the way over the next weeks.
Near the end of his training period, we were visited by a local, on-going trainee: "Gimpb0i" who afforded us with an opportunity to work both trainees together.
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